1. YNU
  2. Current Students
  3. Academic Affairs
  4. Student Information System

Student Information System

YNU provides students with the following information via the "Student Information System": Class cancellations, classroom changes, schedule changes, supplementary lectures, message to students, announcement of screening results on admission fees and tuition waivers, and notifications.

From April 2019, Student Information System can be accessed from a link on the YNU Educational Affairs Information System .新しいウインドウが開きます

When you log into the system, you will see information relating to yourself displayed on the homepage along with a list of information.

* Information on class cancellations and other class-related information will be available when you are registered for relevant courses.
* In addition to the above-mentioned information, you can search career development-related information (job openings and alumni information provided by the Career Support Room).

(Educational Affairs Division)