A review book of the Research Project, “Materials Science for Nano- and Micro-Scale Control,” in the Graduate School of Engineering was published from Springer-Verlag

"Nano- and Micromaterials"
The research project “Materials Science for Nano- and Micro-Scale Control: Creation of New Structures and Functions” (Leader: Prof. Kaoru Ohno, Subgroup Leaders: Prof. Masatoshi Tanaka and Prof. Jun Takeda) in the Graduate School of Engineering published an excellent review book entitled “Nano- and Micromaterials” from Springer-Verlag in Germany as the ninth volume of the world famous Springer book series, ”Advances in Materials Research” (Photo). This book plainly introduces and systematically describes recent progress in variety of subjects in the research project. The content of the book is as follows: Chap. 1 General introduction, Chap. 2 Nanometer-scale structure formation on surfaces, Chap. 3 Ultrafast laser spectroscopy, Chap. 4 Defects in titanium dioxide, Chap. 5 Strong correlations in organic radicals, Chaps. 6 and 7 First-principles calculation of one and two-electron excitation spectra, Chap. 8 Calculation of electric conductivity, Chap. 9 Self-assembled quantum dots, Chap. 10 Potential-tailored quantum wells, Chap. 11 Calculation of thermodynamic properties, Chap. 12 Optically driven micromachines, Chap. 13 Complex plasma. This book is presented at the YNU Library, so please take a look.
The research project was highly evaluated by the external review in the official meeting held on October 31, 2007.
(Graduate School of Engineering)