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  1. YNU
  2. Headlines
  3. To International Students Who Left Japan Without Re-entry Permit

To International Students Who Left Japan Without Re-entry Permit

The Ministry of Justice has announced that, in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, it will simplify the visa application procedure for international students who evacuated from Japan after the earthquake without obtaining re-entry permit.

International students who left Japan without the permit are required to apply for a new visa to re-enter Japan. However, with this simplified procedure, students will be able to obtain a new visa in a shorter period of time.

For further information, please contact Visa Section, Consular Services Center of Ministry of Foreign Affairs (phone: 03-5501-8431) or Japanese Embassy/Consulate of your country.

Ministry of Justice   
http://www.moj.go.jp/nyuukokukanri/kouhou/nyuukokukanri01_00026.html (Japanese)

(担当:International Division)
