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  3. The Star Festival Party 2013 was Held

The Star Festival Party 2013 was Held

On Thursday, July 4, 2013, the Star Festival Party 2013 was held at Renga-kan, Cafeteria I and over 350 faculties, students and staff participated. Hosted by the President, this event is held every year for international researchers and students to develop closer ties with Japanese faculties, students and staff.

The party started with a welcome speech from President Kunio Suzuki, followed by a toast from Executive Director (Student Affairs) Shuji Mizoguchi. Some international students wore traditional costumes and caught much attention.

The highlight of the party is traditional arts performed by Japanese and international students. This year, “Minken” (Japanese folk club) played the Wadaiko (Japanese drums), two Chinese students performed a dance of an ethnic minority “Dai” and played the erhu (Chinese two-stringed fiddle) respectively, Aikido club performed a demonstration, and students of Infrastructure Management Program performed Cameroonian “Koung” dance.

Also, College of Education and Human Sciences Professor Yayoi Satsumoto and her students offered the opportunities for participants to try on Yukata, Japanese traditional summer kimono. Many participants were happily taking photos in Yukata.

The party ended with a closing speech by the International Student Center Director Professor Masayoshi Kobayashi. We hope that all the participants enjoyed a variety of food, meeting friends and chatting with new people.
