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  3. 【締切延長!メール申込み可!】留学生のための世界遺産「白川郷」見学旅行


参加申込み期間を延長しました!Application Period Extended!
今回はEメールでも申し込めます。You can apply by email.

We are organizing a two-day trip to a UNESCO World Heritage site "Historic Villages of Shirakawa-go" for international students. Join us and let’s visit Shirakawa-go and make some replica food together!


World Heritage Shirakawa-go Study Trip

日時 Date

9月24日(火)― 9月25日(水)
Tuesday, September 24th – Wednesday, September 25th

スケジュール(予定) Schedule (Tentative)

7:45 大学会館前集合 Meet in front of University Hall
8:00 出発 Depart from YNU
12:20 昼食(調整中)Lunch
15:20 白川郷 見学 Shirakawa-go
高山温泉(ひだほてるプラザ)Takayama Hot Spring (Hida Hotel Plaza)

8:30 ホテル出発 Depart from Hotel
8:40 高山朝市(自由散策)Takayama morning market
10:30 郡上八幡「さんぷる工房」“Sample Kobo” (Replica Food Craft Center)
12:00 大滝苑(昼食)Lunch
13:10 郡上八幡城下町めぐり Gujo Hachiman Castle Town
18:20 横浜駅西口 Yokohama Sta. West Exit
18:45 大学着 Arrive at YNU

白川郷(白川村役場公式サイト):  http://shirakawa-go.org/kankou
郡上八幡・食品サンプル創作館「さんぷる工房」: http://www.samplekobo.com/
郡上八幡(岐阜県観光連盟公式サイト) http://www.kankou-gifu.jp/spot/1154/

募集人数 Participants

First 38 applicants

参加費 Fee


Participation fee is not refundable.

申込み方法 Application

Please submit the application form together with the participation fee of 8,000 Yen to the Student Exchange Section at the International Student Center. If it is difficult to come to the office for being away from Japan or some other reasons, you can submit the application form by email with the subject "Application for Shirakawa-go Study Trip" after August 19th. Please remember to state the date (more than one day before the trip) that you can bring the participation fee to the office in the email.


学務・国際部国際課/International Office

