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  3. 「日本の最先端科学と伝統文化にふれる旅~留学生のための筑波・千葉見学旅行」を実施しました


A “TSUKUBA-CHIBA Study Tour for International Students” organized by the YNU International Office was held on September 24-25, 2014. This time 22 international students who participated in this 2-day tour had a chance to explore Japanese cutting-edge science in Tsukuba (Ibaraki Pref.) and experience Japanese traditional culture and the primitive-age technique in Boso area (Chiba Pref.).

ロボットに興味深々 Fascinated by computers
ロボットに興味深々 Fascinated by computers
潮来十二橋巡り遊覧船 船着き場で記念撮影 Commemorative Photo at Itako sightseeing boat wharf
潮来十二橋巡り遊覧船 船着き場で記念撮影 Commemorative Photo at Itako sightseeing boat wharf
On the first day, the tour started from YNU campus early in the morning to make a first stop at the Science Square TSUKUBA where the students could experience Japanese cutting-edge science. The second destination was a sightseeing boat tour of Itako twelve bridges in the afternoon.
In the evening the party arrived at the hotel where everyone could relax and heal the fatigue of travel at the hot springs.
しょうゆソフトクリーム美味しかったです! Tasting soy sauce taste soft ice creams
しょうゆソフトクリーム美味しかったです! Tasting soy sauce taste soft ice creams

On the second day, the party departed from the hotel to visit the Yamasa Soy Sauce Factory and had a rare chance to taste soy sauce tasted soft ice creams. In the afternoon the party made a visit to Boso-no mura where international students could experience making “magatama” (curved comma-shaped decorative beads) and enjoy walking in the old Japan scenery.

まが玉作りに挑戦しました  Making “magatama”         
まが玉作りに挑戦しました  Making “magatama”         
日本の古い町並みにふれました Enjoying old Japan scenery
日本の古い町並みにふれました Enjoying old Japan scenery
This 2-day tour was a chance for international students not only to explore Japanese cutting-edge science but also to enjoy Japanese traditional culture and create memorable experiences.
房総のむらの古い日本の町並みの中で記念撮影 Commemorative photo in the old Japan scenery of Boso-no mura
房総のむらの古い日本の町並みの中で記念撮影 Commemorative photo in the old Japan scenery of Boso-no mura
