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  3. YNU International Symposium 2015 “Water Environment Management -Advanced wastewater treatment, WET and ecological risk assessment- Was Held

YNU International Symposium 2015 “Water Environment Management -Advanced wastewater treatment, WET and ecological risk assessment- Was Held

A Look of the Symposium Venue
A Look of the Symposium Venue
On Monday, August 3rd, 2015, YNU International Symposium 2015 was held with the title of “Water Environment Management –Advanced wastewater treatment, WET and ecological risk assessment-,” at Jou-Bun (I&C, or Information and Culture) Hall, Yokohama Jouhou Bunka (Information and Culture) Center. This symposium was preceded with dual languages of Japanese and English to have approximately 140 participants from universities, research institutions, enterprises in Japan and oversea countries as well as YNU students.
President Yuichi Hasebe
President Yuichi Hasebe
First, President Yuichi Hasebe gave the opening address that water resources and their management have emerged to be the very important issues in Asian and other countries which were under a remarkable development phase in the economy, on focusing on its sustainability as well as the strength, in this 21st century. It would be my pleasure if this symposium could be taken as a new opportunity for the participants to considerate on relationship between Japan and Asian countries from combination of viewpoints of economic development and environment.
Department of International Affairs Director Mr. Koji Kojima, JST
Department of International Affairs Director Mr. Koji Kojima, JST
Next, Department of International Affairs Director Mr. Koji Kojima, JST, gave a visitor’s address. This symposium also represented release of outcomes of the co-research project along with Dalian University of Technology, under collaboration with National Institute for Environmental Studies and National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, with acceptance of support to YNU by “Japan-China Research Exchanges,” the JST’s strategic international cooperation acceleration undertaking of science & technology.
As the guest speech, Graduate School of Engineering Professor Takashi Kusui, Toyama Prefectural University, gave the lecture titled “Challenges of chemical management and waste water treatment with the aim of ecosystem conservation.”
Graduate School of Eng. Prof. Takashi Kusui, Toyama Prefectural Univ.
Graduate School of Eng. Prof. Takashi Kusui, Toyama Prefectural Univ.
Then, reports and presentations were given by seven lecturers, that is, Faculty of Environment & Information Sciences Professor Shigeki Masunaga, YNU, School of Environmental Science and Technology Professor Xie Quan, Dalian University of Technology, Head of Integrated Environmental Risk Research Section Dr. Norihisa Tatarazako, Center for Environmental Risk Research, National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES), Dean of Faculty of Environment Associate Professor Tran Van Quang, Da Nang University of Technology, School of Environmental Science and Technology Associate Professor Ying Zhang, Dalian University of Technology, School of Environmental Science and Technology Ph. D. Candidate Ms. Chunhong Na, Dalian University of Technology, and Senior Researcher Ms. Binle Lin, National Institute for Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST).
Faculty of Environment and Information Sciences Prof. Shigeki Masunaga
Faculty of Environment and Information Sciences Prof. Shigeki Masunaga
School of Environmental Science and Technology Prof. Xie Quan, Dalian Univ. of Technology
School of Environmental Science and Technology Prof. Xie Quan, Dalian Univ. of Technology
Head of Integrated Environmental Risk Research Section Dr. Norihisa Tatarazako, NIES
Head of Integrated Environmental Risk Research Section Dr. Norihisa Tatarazako, NIES
Dean of Faculty of Environment, Assoc. Prof. Tran Van Quang, Da Nang Univ. of Technology
Dean of Faculty of Environment, Assoc. Prof. Tran Van Quang, Da Nang Univ. of Technology
School of Environmental Science and Technology Assoc. Prof. Ying Zhang, Dalian Univ. of Technology
School of Environmental Science and Technology Assoc. Prof. Ying Zhang, Dalian Univ. of Technology
Ph. D. Candidate Chunhong Na, Dalian Univ. of Technology
Ph. D. Candidate Chunhong Na, Dalian Univ. of Technology
Senior Researcher Dr. Binle Lin, National Institute for AIST
Senior Researcher Dr. Binle Lin, National Institute for AIST
Executive Director for International Affairs, Prof. Fumihiko Nakamura
Executive Director for International Affairs, Prof. Fumihiko Nakamura
Finally, Executive Director Prof. Fumihiko Nakamura concluded the symposium, “Such a significant discussion involving researchers from Viet Nam and China under the theme of tasks on water environment management, that is, the challenges for technology and policy to be tackled with the top-priority, should be a significant outcome for acceleration of international exchanges performed by Yokohama National University.”
Commemorative Photo
Commemorative Photo
