1. YNU
  2. About YNU
  3. Overview
  4. Message from President

Message from President


In the 21st century, the robust growth of BRICs, Southeast Asia, and other emerging economies holds the key to a new era of globalization. YNU strives to contribute to sustainable development of inside and outside Japan while engaging with emerging and developing economies mainly in Asia.

For our new globalized world to thrive, natural sciences must be applied in combination with knowledge gained from humanities and social sciences of emerging and developing economies, including politics, economics, and culture. Innovation must keep pace with rapid advancement in science and technologies. In its interdisciplinary research and education, YNU pursues innovation on three levels simultaneously by making most of its single campus that brings together three disciplines: the humanities, social sciences, and science/engineering.

Yokohama and the rest of Kanagawa Prefecture is one of the most globalized part of Japan with huge potential for innovation. At the same time, the area faces numerous challenges, such as a demographic decline and natural disasters. YNU will take the initiative in addressing local challenges and globally share the insights gained in the field.

YNU conducts specialist education in a systematic manner to develop innovative and cultured talents with sound ethics and rich perspectives. Our cosmopolitan campus, which filled with many international students from emerging and developing economies, reflects YNU's commitment toward global excellence in terms of education, research, social contributions, and campus environment.

Yuichi Hasebe
President, Yokohama National University