先端科学高等研究院 藤野教授が「ジョージ・ウインター賞」を受賞 Distinguished YNU Professor Fujino received the George Winter Award
先端科学高等研究院 藤野陽三上席特別教授(社会インフラストラクチャの安全研究ユニット主任研究者)が、米国土木学会の「ジョージ・ウインター賞」を受賞しました。本受賞は、構造工学(Structural Engineering)の顕著な業績を上げただけではなく、全く異なる芸術面でも社会貢献したことによります。藤野上席特別教授の場合、橋をよりよく理解するためや授業の一環として、橋の絵を描くことを導入したこと等が挙げられており、非常にユニークな受賞理由となります。
Distinguished YNU Professor Yozo Fujino, a Principal Investigator of the Research Unit “Safety and Resilience of Infrastructure and Infrastructure Systems,” Institute of Advanced Sciences, Yokohama National University, is the recipient of the George Winter Award of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), a unique award for his outstanding and innovative contributions to advancing the state-of-the-art in structural engineering as well as his demonstrated commitment of the social and artistic side of the profession.
A world-renowned expert in dynamics, control, and monitoring of bridges, with a special focus on long-span bridges under wind action, Fujino has made numerous seminal contributions to bridge dynamics, wind effects of structures, health monitoring, and passive/active control technology. He is also renowned for his research on cable vibration control, tuned mass, and tuned liquid dampers.
Fujino, who also loves painting water-color bridges, believes that one can only understand bridges by observing and painting them. Since 1993 he has organized and regularly offered a special class on the painting of bridges for civil engineering students at the University of Tokyo.
Related Information
Institute of Advanced Sciences
ASCE Honors Fujino with the George Winter Award