令和4年度秋季入学式(Fall 2022 Entrance Ceremony)
YNU will hold Entrance Ceremony for Fall 2022. Details will be as follows.
Depending on the situation, ceremony details are subject to change.
日時 Date&Time
October 4th(Tue.), 2022 10:30~10:55
場所 Venue
YNU Education and Culture Hall
入学生、父母等入場時刻 Opening time
*Students are asked to be seated by 10:25.
**When parents and other family members enter the venue, we will confirm the e-mail sent after pre-registration at the reception desk with a smartphone or a paper copy of the e-mail.
新型コロナウイルス感染対策について Measures against COVID-19
To limit the number of participants at the ceremony venue as a measure to prevent the spread of COVID-19 parents and other family members are required to register in advance. If you wish to attend the ceremony in person, please apply for each participant using the application form below.
(The application is unnecessary for new students of YNU.)
<申込フォーム/Online Application Form>
・Take your temperature and check your health condition from 1 week before the day of the ceremony, and refrain from participating if you have a fever, cold symptoms, feelings of oppression (breathing difficulties), or severe listlessness (sense of fatigue).
・ In addition to the body temperature check by yourself before the ceremony, we will conduct the temperature check by the non-contact thermometer at the venue on the day of the ceremony, and if you have a fever of 37.5 degrees Celsius or higher, you will not be allowed to enter the venue.
・Please wear a non-woven mask during the ceremony.
・Please disinfect your hands in the venue.
・Avoid “3C”s on the campus, including when taking photos.
・Please refrain from eating, drinking, and talking loudly in the hall, and leave the venue promptly after the ceremony.
・For those unable to attend the ceremony, an on-demand webcast will be available at a later date. Details will be posted on the website as they become available.
総務企画部総務企画課 General Planning Division