YNU Indonesia Alumni Reunion in Jakarta was held
On October 7th, 2017 (Saturday), YNU Indonesia Alumni Meeting in Jakarta was held at an Indonesian Restaurant TeSaTe Pacific Place.
24 alumnus including their children participated in this meeting. From YNU, Deputy Manager Hiroshi Inoue from International Office and Educational Affairs Section Staff Mr. Masaki Iwashita from College of Engineering Science joined and 26 participants in total gathered at this meeting. Mr.Inoue and Mr. Iwashita went to Indonesia for the first time to join for “Study in Japan Fair 2017 in Indonesia” held in Jakarta at this timing. As YNU participated the Fair for the first time in years, they asked Indonesian alumnus about their experience of studying in YNU which was helpful for them in the Fair next day. Then, the participants received a commemorative gift from YNU and enjoyed Japanese sake “Yokokokudai” produced by YNU very much. All the attendees had a pleasant time all through the meeting.
The next meeting is planned around the end of this year partly as a year-end gathering. If you are interested in the event, please contact directly to Mr.Furuzono.
E-mail: d.furuzono★gmail.com
*Mr.Furuzono took over the secretary of Indonesian Alumni meeting from Ms.Wakatsuki.
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24 alumnus including their children participated in this meeting. From YNU, Deputy Manager Hiroshi Inoue from International Office and Educational Affairs Section Staff Mr. Masaki Iwashita from College of Engineering Science joined and 26 participants in total gathered at this meeting. Mr.Inoue and Mr. Iwashita went to Indonesia for the first time to join for “Study in Japan Fair 2017 in Indonesia” held in Jakarta at this timing. As YNU participated the Fair for the first time in years, they asked Indonesian alumnus about their experience of studying in YNU which was helpful for them in the Fair next day. Then, the participants received a commemorative gift from YNU and enjoyed Japanese sake “Yokokokudai” produced by YNU very much. All the attendees had a pleasant time all through the meeting.
The next meeting is planned around the end of this year partly as a year-end gathering. If you are interested in the event, please contact directly to Mr.Furuzono.
E-mail: d.furuzono★gmail.com
*Mr.Furuzono took over the secretary of Indonesian Alumni meeting from Ms.Wakatsuki.
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