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  1. YNU
  2. Headlines
  3. President's Message to Students Impacted by Typhoon No. 19

President's Message to Students Impacted by Typhoon No. 19

 The YNU community is greatly saddened by the devastating impact of Typhoon No. 19, Hagibis. We extend our deepest sympathy to all those who have been affected by the awful disaster along with our hopes for their earliest possible recovery.
 Yokohama National University takes various measures to support those students who are facing difficulty continuing their eduction at YNU due to the aftermath of this typhoon or Typhoon No. 15, Faxai, for that matter. If you are in need of any assistance, please visit us at the YNU Student Advisory Service (aka Nandemo Sodanshitsu) to discuss how we can help you.

October 15, 2019

Yuichi Hasebe

President, Yokohama National University
