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  1. YNU
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  3. Act Responsibly and Prudently as YNU Student

Act Responsibly and Prudently as YNU Student

Dear YNU Students

July 31, 2020
Yuichi Hasebe
President, Yokohama National University

 As cases of coronavirus infection surge anew across Japan, some of our students were reportedly infected by coronavirus and some in close contact with those who have tested positive off the campus. Amid concerns over the spread of infection particularly at drinking and eating establishments, I would like to urge you to make thorough efforts to avoid the ‘3Cs’ –closed spaces, crowded places, and close-contact settings–and refrain from attending social gatherings, such as meals with friends, college drinking, group travel, and extracurricular events. When you eat or drink out, you must act responsibly to protect yourself, which will help protect your valued family members and friends from coronavirus.

 We are gradually easing restrictions to allow extracurricular clubs officially registered with us to resume their activities and use our facilities once their application form for the use of our facilities satisfies our requirements for it and on condition that club activities shall not involve group meals or training camps, as stipulated in the Guidelines on Resumption of Extracurricular Activities. The same applies to members of the clubs not officially registered and they are also expected to act responsibly as YNU students.

 There have been no confirmed cases of coronavirus on campus yet, but if such case should occur, we might have to suspend all our education and research activities. In order to avoid this happening, I would like to ask each of you again to act prudently as a YNU student with social responsibility in mind while I sincerely appreciate your patience and cooperation in these difficult circumstances.

 The Japanese government has asked local governments and industrial organizations to promote and implement industry-specific guidelines. When you eat and drink at a restaurant or bar, please make sure to check whether the establishment has at its entrance a sticker declaring their conformity to the guidelines. In Kanagawa Prefecture, the “List of Measures against COVID-19 Infection” may be displayed instead. The presence of these notices indicates that they are taking preventive measures against coronavirus. You may also want to use the "COVID-19 Contact-Confirming Application (COCOA),” developed by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, or Kanagawa Prefecture’s “LINE Corona Notification System.”

 Lastly, let me repeat that you must protect yourself to protect your valued family members and friends.
