Departure from and Entry into Japan
August 19, 2020
Yuichi Hasebe
President, Yokohama National University
Dear YNU Students and Faculty Members,
On Aug. 3 2020

For those who is applicable to this, please follow the advice.
Currently, foreign nationals who stayed in countries/regions within 14 days before applying for entry into Japan come under denial of permission to enter into Japan unless there are special exceptional circumstances for the time being.
Foreign nationals who travel from country/region which is not designated as area to be denied for entry will be permitted to enter Japan even if they make a stopover to country/region designated as refusal for the purpose of stopover or refuel (this does not apply in case they pass the immigration).
In addition, holders of the status of residence who left Japan before the day when country/region where such foreign nationals are currently staying was designated as an area subject to denial of permission to entry into Japan, are allowed to re-enter Japan as noticed already.
Please check the MOFA website for more detail.

For those who are re-entering Japan, please see the notice dated Aug 3rd