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  3. New cases of Novel Coronavirus (6th report)

New cases of Novel Coronavirus (6th report)

After the release of “New cases of Novel Coronavirus (5th report)” (Sept. 28, 2020), there has been 16 new cases of infection found at YNU. (There are no cases found from YNU campus facilities)
While number of new cases are increasing all over Japan, YNU has found a total of 13 new cases after November.

Once again, we ask all YNU students, faculties and administrative staffs to take necessary actions to minimize the risk of infection.
Please avoid the “Three Cs” (Closed spaces, Crowded spaces, Close-contact settings), wash your hands, wear a mask, and ventilate frequently.
Please pay attention to “5 situations that increase the risk of infection” and avoid the spread of the virus

Despite taking these measures, there are still risks of being infected or having close contacts with the virsu. In such cases, please contact the Health Service Center without any hesitation.

*Please respect and protect the rights and privacy of those who are infected including their family members.
