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  3. Cancellation of the 2021 Entrance Ceremony

Cancellation of the 2021 Entrance Ceremony

Dear all new YNU Students, Parents and Families of New Students

March 10, 2021
Yuichi Hasebe
President, Yokohama National University

 The Japanese government extended until March 21 the state of emergency toward Tokyo and the three surrounding prefectures that comprise the greater metropolitan area. Kanagawa is one of the prefectures included, and while the number of new cases is declining here in our prefecture, the situation remains to be serious.
 Under these circumstances, YNU have decided to cancel the entrance ceremony that was scheduled to be held on April 7 this year.
 I am sure that you were all looking forward to attending this ceremony to celebrate one of life’s milestones, but we hope that you will understand our decision to prioritize the safety of our new students and their family members and to prevent the spread of the virus.
 At a later date, we will post information on our website in relation to matters such as classes, orientations and other events starting in April, so please make sure that you check the website for updates.
