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  3. 令和2年度・令和3年度入学歓迎式の延期について
    (Postponing the Welcome Ceremony for AY 2020 and 2021 New Entrants)

(Postponing the Welcome Ceremony for AY 2020 and 2021 New Entrants)

(Updated October 1, 2021) the Welcome Ceremony for AY 2020 and 2021 New Entrants




横浜国立大学 理事(総務担当)
髙木 まさき
横浜国立大学 理事(教育担当)
谷地 弘安

September 3, 2021

Dear YNU Students,

The Welcome Ceremony for AY 2020 and 2021 New Entrants which was scheduled to be held on September 29th will be postponed due to the recent critical condition of COVID-19. YNU plans to rearrange the date of the Ceremony and will notify to students later in advance.
For further information, please check the notice released by YNU.

TAKAGI Masaki, Executive Director (General Affairs) and Vice President
YACHI Hiroyasu, Executive Director (Education) and Vice President

