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  3. 令和3年度秋季卒業式・修了式の中止について
    (Cancellation of the 2021 Fall Semester Graduation Ceremony)

(Cancellation of the 2021 Fall Semester Graduation Ceremony)






Dear Graduating Students, Parents, and Families or YNU:

September 2, 2021

President, Yokohama National University

The coronavirus outbreak continues to pose a severe problem, with the state of emergency and pre-emergency measures being expanded to many more prefectures across the nation. Given this dire situation, we have decided to cancel the 2021 fall semester graduation ceremony scheduled for September 17. Instead, each college and graduate school will hold an on-campus diploma presentation to be attended only by graduating students. Further details on how and when the diplomas will be presented by each college and graduate school will be announced on YNU website at a later date. Students unable to receive their diploma on the designated date should contact the academic affairs office of their college or graduate school.

Under unprecedentedly difficult circumstances amid the ravaging pandemic, you have worked very hard to produce academic results just as remarkable as in any other year. To recognize your impressive efforts and celebrate the commencement of a new chapter in your life, the fall semester graduation ceremony was planned and being prepared. But with the rising spread of the delta variant, said to be twice as infectious as previous strains, we have decided to cancel this important event for the safety of everyone involved.

We will continue to provide you with information about the YNU through the alumni association in the years following your graduation. Moreover, the annual Homecoming Day, organized with the support of the alumni association, offers an excellent opportunity for our graduates to mingle with other alumni, students, faculty, and staff. We hope you will join us at this annual event and take advantage of your connection with the YNU community to further enrich your life.
